Band of Gold_cover

Phonofile Nordic Music Prize til Band of Gold

For første gang går prisen til et band fra Norge, som mottar prisen for albumet Band of Gold.


Juryen har bestått av Jeannette Lee (Rough Trade Records), Jonathan Galkin (DFA Records), Jude Rogers (Journalist The Guardian) og Stuart Maconie (journalist BBC). De har følgende begrunnelse for tildelingen:
«Band of Gold’s debut album united all the judges in praise for its skillful, fascinating melding of varied styles and tropes. It is an album steeped in the traditions of classic pop rock from Abba to Fleetwood Mac; dazzling arrangements and harmonies, great tunes, terrific playing. But there is something more unusual at work here too, a sense of experimentalism and the maverick. These tensions and juxtapositions are what makes this such a rich and nuanced record, one that sticks in your head after just one listen and where you fill find more on each listen».
Prisen ble opprettet i år 2010 og deles årlig ut under by:Larm til det juryen mener er beste nordiske album.
Prisen på 30 000 kroner er støttet av Phonofile, GramArt og Music Norway.

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