Gramophone hyller Jostein Simble
Norsk Musikkinformasjons direktør gjennom mange år, Jostein Simble, blir hedret i det klassiske musikkmagasinet Gramophone. Simble blir hyllet for sin innsats for norsk musikk av alle valører, og blir omtalt som den personen som kanskje gjorde den største innsatsen for å gjøre norsk musikk kjent.
Gramophone ble grunnlagt alt i 1923, og regnes i dag som verdens ledende klassiske musikkmagasin. Vi bringer her videre bladets minneord over Jostein Simble, som døde bare 54 år gammel.
Norwegian music champion dies
One of the unsung heroes of Norwegian music has died after a lifetime committed to the country’s composers, performers and repertoire.
Jostein Simble, director of the Norwegian Music Information Centre (MIC) in Oslo, died in the city on October 21 aged just 54. But in his 20 years at the helm at the Norwegian MIC, he arguably did more to raise the profile of the country’s native music than anyone.
Born in Trondheim on August 23 1946, Simble was an enthusiastic player of clarinet and saxaphone. After studying at the University of Oslo and the State Academy of Music, he became manager of the Oslo Philharmonic.
His directorship of the MIC was characterised by unstinting enthusiasm and an eclectic approach. Norwegian classical, jazz and folk music all saw their international profiles boosted.
Nettsidene til Gramophone – der minneordet over Simble i skrivende stund har en henvisning på forsiden – finner du ved å gå hit.
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