Final concert of the European collaborative project DYCE #2 – Join Cikada in discovering the winners of last year’s composition competition!
At our marathon concert last October, audiences all over Europe voted for their favourite composers. These young composers have now written new works for Cikada, Ensemble U:, Taller Sonoro, and Divertimento Ensemble. This is your chance to hear the new works here in Oslo.
In the same concert, you will hear new pieces by the winners of last years’ competition for solo composers, performed by young musicians who have worked closely with the composers in the creative process.
Seung-Jin Hong (1989) A Fridgemonster Tries To Eat Me, for flute, bass clarinet, violin, violoncello, pianoforte and percussion (2023)
Anibal Vidal (1991) Tonada, for six intruments (2023)
Kostas Zisimopoulos (1994) à n e m o s : Ά Χ Α, for ensemble (2023)
Liisa Hõbepappel (1994) Rosa majalis, for ensemble (2023)
Frederik Zeuthen (1996): Tre Nattetanker for solo piano (2023) Performed by: Ruben Høgh
Niki Zohdi (1997): Tarnhût for oboe (2023) WP Performed by: Richard Lines-Davies